• Storyrabbit uses your location, or the position on the map you have selected, to reveal personalized audio stories around you based on your preferences. Powered by cutting edge AI tools and award winning storytelling, it’s like having your own audio tour guide for the world in your pocket with unlimited stories to tell.

  • Think of audio guides as trusted voices with specific areas of expertise. There guides include history, food, true crime, music, sports, art, architecture, nature and many more. There are also guides based on real people who are domain experts in their fields. Each guide provides a unique POV and story into a selected location.

  • It’s easy! Open the app, and the horizontal button at the top of the screen will show you which guide is currently selected. To change guides, click the button and a menu will pop up that you can swipe to the left or the right to choose additional guides. When you find the guide you’d like to select, choose the SELECT button and you’re all set.

  • Yes, you can change guides whenever you want, and select a rabbit hole you may have previously selected and hear a completely different story. Every rabbit hole will be made for you and from the POV of the chosen guide. It’s also a fun way to learn new things about a familiar place!

  • A rabbit hole is a place on the map with an audio story to tell. Each rabbit icon that appears on the map is an audio rabbit hole that can be selected to play a story.

  • If you’d like to use your current location as the search area, click on the map, zoom in, and select the button FIND RABBIT HOLES. You will then see rabbit icons pop up on the map select the icon for the place you’d like to hear, then select the button START A RABBIT HOLE. Or, select the SURPRISE ME! button at the base of the map and we’ll choose a great story nearby to play for you.

  • No matter where you are in the world, you can listen to stories from anywhere on the map. Simply select the map, and scroll to the place on the map you’d like to explore. Make sure to zoom in far enough on the map that you can see streets and other landmarks for best results, and then select FIND RABBIT HOLES.

  • Yes! You can go as deep as you wish, until you exit the rabbit hole. At the end of each audio story (usually a minute to a minute and a half) you can go a level deeper into the story by selecting one of the three story threads at the bottom of the screen. Or, you can go back to the map by selecting EXIT THIS RABBIT HOLE.

  • Yes, once the story begins to play, at the top right of the screen you will see a TRANSCRIPT button. Follow along while the story plays.

  • Not at this time, but we are working on it. 

  • Yes! If you’d like to share the story with friends or followers, select PUBLISH once you exit a rabbit hole, Or, you can share your unique combination of stories as a browser link via SMS, email, or however you'd like, along with your comment.

  • On the top left of the app, select your profile photo or icon. Then, select FOLLOWERS, and search below to find your friends. If you don’t see them, txt them a link to download the app!

  • First, all rabbit holes are saved for 5 days in your history, and you can find them by selecting the small bunny rabbit ears icon at the top right. There you will see a toggle for NEW and PUBLISHED. For any rabbit holes you’d like to save long term, you have to publish it. To do that, click on the clip and choose PUBLISH on the next screen. Your rabbit hole will appear in your RECENT ACTIVITY, below the SURPRISE ME button on the home page.

  • Most likely you need to click on the map, and zoom in closer before you select FIND RABBIT HOLES. Or, perhaps you are in the middle of the ocean or in a very rural area. Another possibility is that different guides activate different locations, so it might be worth trying another guide in the same area to find a rabbit hole.

  • Scroll down to RECENT ACTIVITY from the home screen below the SURPRISE ME button, and you should see a list the clips that were shared.

  • You cannot use the app when you’re offline currently. However, we are working on it.

  • Storyrabbit is great to use while traveling, but it’s for everyone, everywhere! Storyrabbit can also be fun to use at home or in familiar places to glean new insights and discover hidden knowledge about a place you thought you knew.

  • How big is the universe? How many grains of sand are on all of the world’s beaches? Put simply, this technology allows for unlimited stories and unlimited perspectives, giving listeners unparalleled access to the world’s knowledge in a captivating audio form.

  • Storyrabbit does not share your location data, and we do not share data with a third party. For more information, go to https://www.storyrabbit.ai/privacy

  • Storyrabbit is currently only for download in the United States, however the app will work globally as long as the device is connected to the internet. Soon, Storyrabbit will be available for download in the EU and UK. We are also working on rolling out multi-language options.

  • Getting in touch is easy, find us at help@storyrabbit.ai